
【記憶家園 When we are together】

【記憶家園 When we are together】
李立劭 / 2023 / 84’ / Taiwan / 4K / COLOR
類型 台灣人文變遷紀錄片
備註 桃園航空城擴建搬遷計劃
出品 鄭文燦
導演 李立劭
策劃 吳家惠
製片 艾巴克影像體
發行 桃園市政府文化局

桃園航空城是台灣有史以來最大的都市計畫,上萬居民不得以搬離他們賴以為生的土地,空間及歷史產生鉅變。 為了留下最後的的家園記憶,我們以空間為橫坐標,歷史為縱座標,在即將夷為平地之際,記錄下五味雜陳的複雜的情緒,展開未來的歷史行動

The Taoyuan Aerotropolis marks Taiwan’s largest-ever urban project, in that tens of thousands of people were to be vacated for relocation from the land lot that supported their livelihood, ensuing in the sea change of space and history. To leave behind some last memories of the place people called home, time and history were employed as the X- and Y-axis respectively to document a complicated mixture of sentiment that embodies an act of history to slice into an unfolding future, whereas bulldozers and wrecking balls were on the mark to level the ground.

導演 李立劭