
洪瑋伶&辛佩宜HUNG Wei-Ling&HSIN Pei-Yi|K 的房間—關於世界的創造與毀滅K’s room–the creation and destruction of the world

K 的房間——關於世界的創造與毀滅 K’s room–the creation and destruction of the world
導演 : 洪瑋伶
年份 : 2021
產地: 台灣
色彩 : 彩色
片長 : 15 min


《K 的房間》是一個多重隱喻的房間。這個「房間」,是冷戰時期國民黨政府為求站穩「反共」地位,而向西方世界展示的「模範監獄」;是自六O年代起,英語學習暢銷書《新英文法》的編輯室;是柯旗化被關押黑牢期間,向孩子謊稱自己「在美國工作」的他方。在這個「房間」裡,台灣、綠島的影像逐漸與美國疊合,那是關於中華民國與美國之間,一種相互抗衡、牽制、拉扯的鏡像關係。

2021 法國克萊蒙費宏短片影展 實驗競賽片單元
2021 日本東京Image Forum Festival 東亞實驗競賽單元

法國巴黎高等電影學院(École Supérieure d’Études Cinématographiques)畢業,現為獨立影像工作者。2015《言午之男》獲選公共電視紀錄觀點短片展,2017 投入冤案紀錄片《非常阿英》拍攝工作。2019 於空總台灣當代文化實驗場「CREATORS 創作/研發支持計畫」進駐期間,創作錄像作品《三軍》,討論台灣白色恐怖中外省軍籍政治犯議題。2020 作品《你曾經見過獬豸嗎?》參 展〈請你跟我走一趟 ➞ 不義遺址空間歷史推廣企劃展〉。作品多以嘗試用影像書寫被隱匿的歷史、拼湊記憶的碎片。

高雄人,國立臺南藝術大學音像紀錄所畢業。紀錄片背景,專注於紀實影像虛構與真實的跨界,與自我探索。作品《通過我們的身體》入圍金穗獎,女性影展,杭州亞洲青年電影節,於瑞士真實影展 Doc Outlook 放映。探索精神疾病與家族史的《帶病生活》獲國藝會視聽媒體藝術類補助。

HUNG Wei-Ling
HUNG Wei-Ling is an independent video artist graduated from ESEC, France (École supérieure d’études cinématographiques). Her work “Like Father, Like Son” was selected by the Taiwan Public Television Service for Viewpoint Short Film Exhibition in 2015. In 2017, she started the production of “Ah Ying: The Extraordinary Ordinary”, a documentary on an innocent prisoner. In 2019, as a residential artist of the CREATORS Creative/Support Project at the Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab (C-LAB), she created the video work “Armed Forces” on the servicemen from the Chinese mainland who were held as political prisoners during the White Terror in Taiwan.

Her work “Have You Ever Seen a Hsiehchih?” was exhibited in “Follow me →Historical Sites and Spaces of Injustice Exhibition.” Her works often involves attempts to present hidden histories or fragmented memories with images.

*Note: Hiehchih, a Chinese legendary creature, is the symbol of the R.O.C. Military Police Corps mission.

HSIN Pei-Yi is from Kaohsiung. She graduated from the Graduate Institute of Studies in Documentary & Film Archiving, Tainan National University of the Arts. She specializes in documentaries, and focuses on the crossover between fiction and reality and the self-exploration in documentary images. Her work “Thro’ Your Body, I Reach” was shortlisted for the Golden Spike Award, Taiwan; Women Make Waves Film Festival, Taiwan; Hangzhou Asian Film Festival, China, and was screened at the Doc Outlook International Market of Visions du Réel , Switzerland. Her work “Living with Illness”, which explores mental illness and family history, was awarded a grant for audiovisual arts by the National Culture and Arts Association.